em.body verb

: to give a body to (a spirit) : INCARNATE

Matrescence is the word used to describe the huge shift a woman goes through as they transition from childless to mother, a word that our culture seldom uses and an initiation that is seldom understood or recognized.

This shift in identity is LOADED with “shoulds”

I should be happy

I should love every minute of this

I should not be lonely

I should know what I am doing

I should get my pre-baby body back

(the list goes on)

And yet…who we embody as mother is often a radically different version of ourselves than we previously knew and/or expected to become. And along with this shift can come a deep longing for our old selves, our old bodies, and our old lives.

So in a culture that rarely acknowledges the profound rite of passage that new motherhood brings, we are often left feeling tossed out to sea, strangers to ourselves and this new being that we may love intensely but whose arrival deeply altered our lives.

I created the Embodied Mother because it is our birthright to have a village to accompany us on this heroine’s journey from maiden to mother. We are not meant to walk this path alone - we know in our bones that modern motherhood is not working, that our human ancestors did this very differently, and that there has to be another way.

The Embodied Mother is an immersive program that involves a container of other mothers, ritual, somatic practices, myth, storytelling and connection.

This experience will help you:

  • Integrate your transition to motherhood

  • Examine and name the programming you’ve been taught about being a “good” mother so you can instead become the most authentic version of yourself

  • Learn ways to nurture and mother your mind, body and soul - by creating your own rituals and asking for/receiving support from a community of other mothers

  • Re-wild yourself and break free from the conditioned patterns that have been passed down generationally and culturally, teaching you what a mother “should” look like

  • Learn practices that bring you home to your body and help you feel safe, connected, rooted and resilient

  • Understand your new role and identity as mother in a way that is integrative and intuitive

  • Access your own wisdom and intuition as your walk the path of motherhood

What’s included:

  • The Embodied Mother is an 8-week immersive and intimate group (10 people maximum)

  • Eight total embodied/somatic/ritual practices that are pre-recorded and released every week before we meet

  • A workbook with deep and reflective journal prompts

  • Eight 90-minute group sessions held over Zoom


  • We will meet every Friday morning from 10-11:30 beginning Friday, September 9th 2022

  • We wil meet over Zoom

  • This group is intended for anyone who identifies as mother, regardless of age, sex, or gender.

    Your Investment

  • $420

Apply for the Embodied Mother or just ask a question!